International Woodfuel Conference 2021

International Woodfuel Conference 2021

Ghana - 27 October, 2021

The wood fuel sectors in most sub-Saharan African countries are characterised by a high degree of informality. There are on-going efforts in most countries to formalise the sector, that is, to organise, regulate and control the production and trade, typically under the heading of sustainability. These plans give stronger roles to institutions of the state to control the production and trade through permits, taxes, and enhanced controls. However, attempts at formalising the sector without an intimate understanding of the ecological, social, and economic contexts within which the production and trade take place, run the risk of failure or may compromise wood fuel-dependent livelihoods. Sustainable wood fuel production and trade remains a contested issue and big challenge in Africa that needs to be tackled urgently and collectively with all stakeholders involved.

The conference is organised by a consortium of research institutions and networks (CIFOR, ICRAF, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, University of Copenhagen, AFORPOLIS, Tropenbos Ghana and IUFRO) and with support of FAO. The conference is organized in close collaboration with the Government of Ghana, namely the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources, the Ministry of Environment, Technology and Innovation, the Ministry of Energy, the Ghana Energy Commission, the Ghana Forestry Commission and the Ghana Environmental Protection Agency.

Registration and more information on the conference can be found here 


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