The Green Livelihoods Alliance (GLA) programme will support Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to promote inclusive and sustainable governance of forested landscapes as well as the restoration of degraded landscapes by influencing governmental and corporate policies and practices. This strategy is based on the conviction that well-governed forest landscapes will benefit local people; enhancing their economic and social development while reducing deforestation.
The Green Livelihoods Alliance (GLA) is a strategic partnership between Tropenbos International, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature – Netherlands (IUCN NL), Milieudefensie, and the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The programme is carried out in 9 countries: Ghana, DR Congo, Nigeria, Uganda, Bolivia, Paraguay, Vietnam, Philippines, and Indonesia.
Primarily, the lobbying and advocacy capabilities of CSOs would be strengthened through capacity building to help them contribute to inclusive growth and development, especially in environments where policymakers and governments need to be held accountable. CSOs will also be supported to acquire sound knowledge of sustainable land management and thorough monitoring of local developments to enable them advocate and influence policy at the local, national, and international levels.
In Ghana, the GLA aims to improve the governance of the Atewa Forest Landscape in the Eastern Region and the Juabeso-Bia Forest Landscape in the Western North Region in a bid to conserve the rich flora and fauna of these unique landscapes and also safeguard the ecosystem services they render to Ghanaians and the global community.
2016 - 2020