The future of off-reserve timber resources in Ghana is uncertain. Off-reserve timber production decreased from 95 million m3 - representing 80 percent of the totally harvested volume - in 1996 to 37 million m3 - 30 percent of the harvested volume - in 2005. Existing legislation and implementation do not provide adequate incentives for stakeholders, especially farmers, to engage in sustainable practices. TBI Ghana, with support from Care International Ghana, and in collaboration with the Danish Centre for Forest, Landscape and Planning, organised the workshop, "Timber Resources outside Forest Reserves: is there a Future? in September 2007 to find appropriate strategies to strengthen the management of timber resources.
The proceedings of this workshop include the workshop presentations and add a synthesis that captures the participants" main considerations, conclusions and recommendations. They concluded that the following issues needed particular attention:
- equity and benefit sharing;
- definition of roles and responsibilities in the management of off-reserve timber;
- continuous discussions for long-term solutions to off-reserve management;
- provision of other incentives beyond equitable benefit sharing; and
- improved governance of timber revenues.
To address these issues it was recommended that current forest policies on tree tenure and benefit sharing be reviewed, that tree management eventually be devolved to the farmers, and that institutional roles be clarified and improved techniques be developed for managing off-reserve trees.