Making knowledge work for forests and people
Together we can achieve sustainable management of tropical forestlands for the benefit of people, conservation and sustainable development.
More informationVillage Savings and Loans Associations (VSLAs) are community-based microfinance groups that empower members to save money, access credit, and build financial resilience.
Beekeeping and honey processing have become one of the most viable green businesses in the Sefwi Wiawso-Juaboso Bia (SWJB) landscape. Notwithstanding its vital role in supporting livelihoods and the local economy, the system lacks effective coordination, hence the need to structure, formalize, and ensure effective operationalization of the business within the landscape and the region at large.
A law in Ghana stipulates that all naturally growing trees are owned by the state. In 2022, female cocoa farmers collaborated with Tropenbos Ghana to draw attention to the adverse effects of this law on their livelihoods.
Better policies inform better practices